Alejandro Moreno proposes to Biden a new relationship between the US and Latin America and the Caribbean

By: RedFinancieraMX– Jan. 4, 2021

The president of the Permanent Conference of Political Parties of Latin America and the Caribbean (COPPPAL), Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, said that the current critical circumstance that the world and the region is experiencing, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, represents a great opportunity for the U.S. president-elect Joe Biden, in agreement with the Latin American and Caribbean governments, to begin to dialogue in symmetrical conditions, on the continental problem and the generation of a route of rapprochement that allows us to agree on a minimum agenda of solution of the same, under criteria of mutual respect.

“If we want to transform the face of our continent, the progressive parties grouped in COPPPAL, we believe that the way to do it is social democracy and sustainable development, for them we have to work to redefine the North-South relationship in our region, under the precepts respect, cooperation and fostering shared development. This will give us both subcontinents better conditions to face the great challenges imposed by the time, for the good of the whole of America, in a world undergoing global strategic redefinition,” he indicated.

Moreno Cárdenas stated that if we intend to lead that relationship to better scenarios, we must act in favor of the convergence of positions, agree on crucial policies for the future of the region, and abandon partial visions, since before the emergence of the new world order under construction is time to strive for a continent less distant, closer to agreement and, consequently, stronger to take its rightful place in world determinations.

He considered that Latin America and the Caribbean is the region of hope, of new world development, a region of peace where it is possible to implement and agree, among all, a new more just and egalitarian model, with greater opportunities, respectful of diversity and the sovereignty of nations.

“At COPPPAL, we are convinced that another globalization is possible, but achieving it demands the constitution of blocks of nation-states that restore the strength of the public and its guiding role in development in the international concert under sustainable purposes, that leadership that it now holds without counterweights. financial capital. In this way, it will be possible to attend a true update of the multilateral architecture of the planet, a pressing task in its capacity as the regulatory base of the new order required, under criteria of solidarity, justice, cooperation, shared development and peace, for a sustainable global development. in the terms of the 2030 Agenda ”.

He considered that although 2020 was a brutally complicated year for the Latin American and Caribbean region, the territory hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic globally, 2021 is presented as the year of hope, of opportunities to overcome in unity and solidarity, the adversity predicted by various analyzes of important international organizations and governments of our continent.

He said that during the first semester of the new year, governments must deepen aid and protection to the population via universal vaccination against Covid-19, without favoritism or electoral uses and in parallel they must implement urgent measures to recover the economic course of nations and improve people's devastated economies.

“Although the nations of the world have the urgent commitment to abate the Covid-19 pandemic, we must assume with that same impetus the responsibility to combat by all means and instruments within our reach the pandemic of poverty, exclusion, unemployment, violence in all its aspects and the lack of opportunities experienced by people, particularly the most vulnerable, which the progressive parties grouped in COPPPAL do not forget, ”he said.

He declared that this health crisis has taught us to think in a comprehensive and solidary way, "either we are saved and we all progress, or no one is saved", for this reason we will continue to insist to the most powerful nations in the world and to international financial organizations urgency to implement a Rescue Plan for the Latin American and Caribbean Region. "We have to be

“We have to show solidarity with the countries that need it most in Latin America and the Caribbean, support them so that they have access to vaccines and establish cooperation mechanisms that allow us to overcome the health and economic crisis facing the world and especially our dear Patria Grande, while we must open the debate proposed by various nations of the South so that the instruments and technologies related to the fight against COVID are universal public goods, free of barriers, patents and other impositions of intellectual property.

The Latin American leader pointed out that after the failure of the United States' policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean to find a fair and deferential dialogue of continental progress, now, in light of the hard economic, social and environmental data, that throws the watershed of the pandemic, it is urgent to review the North-South relationship in the American continent.

By: RedFinancieraMX– Jan. 4, 2021