Successful International Seminar and an Invaluable Collaboration at the U.S.-Mexico border

The California-Mexico Studies Center (CMSC) wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving! The CMSC has many reasons to be thankful for! 

Approval of Advance Parole Applications from Our  5th  Dreamers Study Abroad Program

The California-Mexico Studies Center is excited to announce that nearly all of the participants in our 5th California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad Program have been approved for Advanced Parole! In light of the challenges of the current political climate, we are incredibly joyful and grateful that this group of courageous DACA-mented students is determined to study abroad in their native Mexico and take part in this once in a lifetime experience.

The group of DACA students who will be participating in our Winter 2016 California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad Program from December 22, 2016 to January 15, 2017.

COLEF-CMSC's International Seminar on Migration and PublicPolicy Was a Success!

We are also thrilled to celebrate the success of the recent International Seminar on Migration and Public Policy: Challenges Facing Immigrants in the US and Mexico in 2017. We are deeply grateful to El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF) for being an outstanding partner in planning and executing the conference.

Pictured left to right: Robert Vivar, Nativo Lopez, Maggie Loredo, Armando Vazquez-Ramos, Leopoldo Guerrero Diaz, Yara Amparo Lopez Lopez, and Rodrigo Aguilar.

We would also like to thank all individuals, institutions, and organizations for their collaboration in the success of the seminar. We will be publishing an in-depth report and summary of the outcomes of the seminar in our next newsletter on Monday Nov. 28th.
In the mean time, if you missed the live-stream and would like to watch the full seminar you can watch this video.

Moreover, the California-Mexico Studies Center would like to give special thanks to the following organizations for their continuous humanitarian work in our communities both in the U.S. and in Mexico:

Border Angels / Ángeles de la Frontera  for creating a space to open the "door of hope" to allow families separated by the U.S.-Mexico border to have the chance to see and hug each for a couple minutes.
On Saturday Nov. 19th, five families had the chance to hug for about 3 minutes each as the "Door of Hope" opened for 20 minutes at the U.S.-Mexico border.

On Saturday Nov. 19th, five families had the chance to hug for about 3 minutes each as the "Door of Hope" opened for 20 minutes at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Deported Veterans Support House for supporting those who have served in the US Military, only to be deported from the country for which they fought.

The CMSC visits the Deported Veterans Support House in Tijuana, B.C.

The CMSC visits the Deported Veterans Support House in Tijuana, B.C.

Desayunador Salesiano "Padre Chava" Tijuana, B.C. for providing meals, clothing, and other important services to the homeless, migrants, and others in need in Tijuana.

The Desayunador Salesiano "Padre Chava" provides 1,200 food servings daily to the homeless, migrants who are passing through, and people in need.

The Desayunador Salesiano "Padre Chava" provides 1,200 food servings daily to the homeless, migrants who are passing through, and people in need.

DREAMers Moms USA/Tijuana for their dedication and continuous support to mothers of U.S. citizen children and 'Dreamers' who have been separated from their family and children after being deported, and who are now living in Mexico and other countries.





