CMSC Dreamers to study abroad this summer and Long Beach will create the Latino Cultural District in Downtown LB - Newsletter 3/4/21

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The CMSC selects 140 Dreamers for Summer 2021 Mexico Study Abroad Program

The CMSC completed on February 28, the selection of 140 participants for the Summer 2021 California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad program.

After considering over 300 applications and given the limited capacity of the program, the 140 Dreamers selected have started to prepare their Advance Parole (I-131 Form) applications and will travel in 3 groups of 45 each during July 15 and August 22, 2021.

The participants come from 23 different states in the US and will return to their birthplace to conduct ethnographic research on their family’s origins, migration and extension into the U.S., as part of the Mexican Diaspora Studies Program offered by the CMSC as a continuum of more than 50 years of Chicano Studies in the US.


Long Beach takes first steps in creating a Latino cultural district

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By: Crystal NieblaLB Post - March 3, 2021

Long Beach is looking to create a cultural district for Latinos that would serve as an economic hub for the city’s largest racial demographic.

The new district, called El Mercado de Long Beach (“The market of Long Beach”), would be a space that could also help Latinos recover from the devastating impact of the coronavirus pandemic, as data shows this group was hit particularly hard.

The location of this district has not yet been determined, but officials from Downtown’s District 1 say given the sizable Latino population in the city’s core, it will likely be located there, possibly near Cesar E. Chavez Park... Read Full Article


Biden Tries To Rein In ICE: New Rules Limit Who Immigration Agents Target for Arrest

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By: Joel Rose, NPR – Feb. 18, 2021

After four years of former President Trump's immigration crackdown, the Biden administration on Thursday announced new guidelines that are expected to sharply limit arrests and deportations carried out by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Under the guidance, ICE agents and officers have been told to prioritize threats to national security and public safety when deciding whom to arrest, detain and deport.

ICE officials said the guidance is intended to help the agency allocate its limited resources to cases the public cares about most. "Like every law enforcement agency at the local, state, and federal level, we must prioritize our efforts to achieve the greatest security and safety impact," ICE Acting Director Tae Johnson said in a statement.

The guidance to ICE agents is part of a broader effort by President Biden to roll back the previous administration's hardline immigration policies. Also today, Congressional Democrats unveiled an immigration bill — a plan that President Biden had proposed on his first day in office... Read Full Article


En qué consiste la ambiciosa reforma migratoria que daría opción de ciudadanía a más de 10 millones de inmigrantes indocumentados

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Por: Patricia Sulbarán Lovera, BBC News Mundo – 18 febrero 2021

Un proyecto de ley de casi 400 páginas promete transformar fundamentalmente el sistema migratorio de Estados Unidos.

Un grupo de legisladores demócratas de ambas cámaras del Congreso presentaron este jueves la propuesta*, basada en un plan migratorio "históricamente progresista" del presidente, Joe Biden, el primer día en que asumió el cargo hace un mes.

El ambicioso plan, llamado U.S. Citizenship Act (Ley de Ciudadanía Estadounidense), no solo debe contar con el respaldo de la Cámara de Representantes sino que en el Senado requiere al menos 60 de 100 votos, lo que requeriría que todos los demócratas y diez republicanos lo apoyen... Leer Más


Long Beach City College Board appoints Mike Muñoz as new interim superintendent-president

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By HUNTER LEEPress Telegram – March 2, 2021

Long Beach City College’s vice president of Student Services, Mike Muñoz, will become the new interim superintendent-president in a couple of weeks — and he will likely hold the position until the middle of next year.

The Long Beach Community College District’s Board of Trustees, which oversees the two-campus City College, voted unanimously on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 to appoint Muñoz as the temporary successor of outgoing interim Superintendent-President Lou Anne Bynum, who will leave after she and the district couldn’t agree on a contract extension. The board also decided to stop its search for a permanent leader until next year. “I feel the weight of this position,” Munoz said, “and I recognize what it means for our campus and our community"... Read Full Article


Dreamers y personas con TPS conseguirían la ciudadanía en tres años con el plan migratorio del Presidente Joe Biden

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Por: Redacción La Opinión – 18 de Febrero 2021

La reforma migratoria de Joe Biden, que congresistas demócratas presentaron este jueves, plantea (entre otras cosas) que dreamers, beneficiarios de TPS y trabajadores agrícolas obtengan inmediatamente la residencia y puedan conseguir la ciudadanía en tres años.

Esta propuesta, que es la más ambiciosa de la historia del país, también allanaría el camino a la ciudadanía para los 11 millones de indocumentados que hay en el país, aunque el proceso de ellos tomaría más tiempo (ocho años). Primero podrían acceder a permisos de trabajo y a la posibilidad de lograr la residencia permanente en cinco años y la ciudadanía tres años después... Leer Más




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This Sunday March 7, 2021, one of our California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad program participants from Bakersfield is hosting another fundraising event at the Panda Express located at 2200 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93307


In-Store: Show paper or digital version of this flyer, or mention the fundraiser.

Online: Enter 320200 in the promo code section when you checkout at

20% of event sales will be donated to the CMSC !!!


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