"El Magonista" | Vol. 10 No. 10 | March 9, 2022


By Prof. Armando Vazquez-Ramos | President & CEO: California-México Studies Center
(Photo by Evan Vucci for AP)

Presentation to the California Democratic Party's Chicano/Latino Caucus.

The CMSC launched on March 1, 2022, a 7-month national campaign led by Dreamers to call upon President Joe Biden to exercise his authority to Pardon all Undocumented Immigrants and Deported Parents of U.S. Citizen Children Forced into Exile.

Given the growing demand from the private sector for immigrant labor and the shortage of workers in today’s job market, a Presidential Pardon would recognize the vital participation of Latino and undocumented essential workers during the last 2 years of the COVID pandemic, boost the economy and outmaneuver the recalcitrant GOP in lockstep with Trump’s legacy of corruption and malfeasance in office.

As a General Presidential Pardon for undocumented essential workers, Dreamers, TPS holders and parents of 1 million U.S.-citizen children (victims of forced exile due to the deportation of their parents), President Biden could summarily protect and resolve the endemic immigration problem without risking the possibility of being reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court, or Congress, even if the Republicans regain majority and appoint Trump as Speaker of the House of Representatives.

This is an alternative solution for the President, while now facing an imminent war, declining poll numbers, a fractured Democratic Party, and the despicable betrayal of 2 Democratic senators that have blocked his Build Back Better policy agenda and the protection of voting rights.

Without a doubt, all immigration policies and executive actions by the President will be blocked through the courts or by the GOP in Congress and therefore the bold action we are proposing would in fact reverse the downward trend that, by all accounts, predict that the Dems will lose the House (and possibly the Senate) in November.

The CMSC has started this campaign after meeting on Saturday February 19, 2022, with about 100 of our Dreamers Alumni Network members, all participants of our Dreamers Study Abroad Program that are committed to take a leadership role with the following initiatives and activities:

  • Secure a Congressional Letter of Support for our Presidential Pardon for Immigrants Campaign from Senators and House Representatives;
  • Plan and schedule Lobby Trips to Wash., D.C. to secure signatures from members of Congress in support of our Presidential Pardon for Immigrants Campaign;
  • Identify and solicit organizations to join a coalition in support of the Presidential Pardon for Immigrants Campaign;
  • Initiate a Citizens’ Petition and Letters of Support Drive to convey community and voters’ commitment to the CMSC’s Presidential Pardon for Immigrants Campaign;
  • Conduct webinars, seminars and teach-ins with legal and political experts on the basis and merits of our call for a Presidential Pardon for Immigrants, to engage and secure broad and diverse participation of parents and students in high schools, colleges and universities;
  • Plan and organize the following local, regional and national Presidential Pardon for Immigrants Campaign events:
  1. Monday March 21, 2022: Marco Antonio Firebaugh Day: A day to mark the 16thanniversary of Marco’s passing as the “Godfather of Dreamers” (Author of AB-540) and the first ‘Mega-March’ in Los Angeles, CA on March 24, 2006
  2. Friday April 15, 2022: Immigrants Pay Taxes and Taxation without Benefits or Representation Day to teach and inform about the significant tax contributions to the economy by immigrants but denied benefits or representation due to their legal status;
  3. Sunday May 1st to Cinco de Mayo/May 5thA Week Without Immigrants to celebrate May Day as Workers Day and the cultural and historical importance of Cinco de Mayo, and to initiate “Good trouble” political actions if President Biden fails to grant the Presidential Pardon for Immigrants desired;
  4. Wednesday June 15, 2022: Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of DACA and initiate a Summer of Protest and Resistance Drive, if the president has not decided to exercise his Presidential Pardon authority as proposed;
  5. Friday July 15, 2022: Conduct marches, boycotts, sit-ins and other forms of peaceful protests and civil disobedience;
  6. Monday August 15, 2022: Begin “Labor Day Mobilization” and develop plans for alternative actions, if there is no commitment by the Democratic Party and President Biden fails to grant the Presidential Pardon for Immigrants needed;
  7. Monday September 5, 2022: Celebrate Labor Day and President Biden’s Presidential Pardon for Immigrants, or carry out protest marches, ‘Good Trouble’ actions and hold forums and teach-ins at colleges and universities;

The premises for this initiative are both legal and historical [Opinion | Can Obama Pardon Millions of Immigrants? - The New York Times (nytimes.com)]. But most important, our proposed Presidential Pardon for Immigrants Campaign is a political alternative to outmaneuver a recalcitrant GOP that will continue to block any and all attempts to adopt immigration reform, as a means to negate any path to legalization for our community and continue to neutralize policy gains by Democrats.

Ya basta ! We deserve better and we need action now !!!

Please consider adopting this initiative and we urge that the California Chicano/Latino Caucus of the Democratic Party join and lead this campaign.

Prof. Armando Vazquez-Ramos

Mexico Daily News | March 1, 2022 | Photo by Channel 1 Los Angeles

Nearly 10,000 entered the country in January and February.

In light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Mexico will provide refuge to Ukrainians currently in the country, the chief of the National Immigration Institute (INM) said Monday.

Francisco Garduño also said that Russians in Mexico will be offered refuge if they seek to stay here.

During a meeting of the Senate’s border and immigration affairs committee, the INM chief said that Ukrainians currently on vacation in Mexico will initially be granted permission to stay an additional 180 days after the validity of their visitor permit expires... READ MORE

By Jean Guerrero | LATimes | March 4, 2022 | Photo credit: Madeleine Hordinski
This young Latina running for District 9 hopes so.

The race for District 9, a historic hub of Black culture and political empowerment, embodies complicated issues about representation amid demographic change. It’s now about 80% Latino, with a higher proportion of foreign-born residents than the county. But it hasn’t had a Latino council member in decades.

“This is in a context of a city where the Black political voice has a sense of shrinking,” Manuel Pastor, a sociology professor and co-author of “South Central Dreams,” told me.

The district includes Historic South-Central, USC, parts of the Vermont-Slauson neighborhood and more, stretching from near Interstate 10 on the north to East 95th Street on the south.

Could a young Latina who grew up in Florida and recently made her home in the district better represent its residents, who have the city’s highest poverty and unemployment rates? She pitches herself as more progressive than Price and argues that she “better understands the needs... READ MORE

Por La Opinion | 02 Mar 2022 | Foto de Agencia Reforma
Presidente Mexicano Andrés Manuel López Obrador pidió que se investigue el hallazgo de tres personas muertas, de nacionalidad mexicana, en un lote baldío en Phoenix, Arizona, el pasado 20 de febrero.

El presidente mexicano, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, pidió investigar si autoridades de Estados Unidos asesinaron a tres migrantes mexicanos que aparecieron muertos en Phoenix, en el estado de Arizona.

“Se está exigiendo una investigación de fondo para descartar que hayan sido torturados, asesinados, por autoridades estadounidenses. Se está haciendo esa investigación”, declaró López Obrador desde el Palacio Nacional.

Su exigencia se produce después de que policías estadounidenses hallaran, el 20 de febrero pasado, los cadáveres de los tres jóvenes, con señales de lesiones, en un lote baldío, según el Consulado de México en Phoenix.

El Consulado identificó a los migrantes como originarios de Oaxaca, estado del sur del México, mientras que medios locales informaron que eran indígenas mixes que llevaban cinco meses trabajando en Arizona... LEER MAS

By Jesus Garcia | La Opinion | FEB. 27, 2022 | Photo credit: Getty Images
A video that went viral on TikTok exposes an alleged threat from Russia to Mexico for rejecting the invasion of Ukraine, but the images contain scenes from 2018 and current events offline.

A video that went viral on TikTok states that Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a warning to the government of Mexican Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for sticking to the policy of the United States against the invasion of Ukraine.

However, after a review of this newspaper with the support of a person who speaks Russian, it was confirmed that the video of the alleged message with the threats is false, since it combines events from 2018 with current ones such as an alleged Russian television report.

The Spanish subtitles in the video do not agree with the statements of the television host or with Putin's message about Mexico.

"Vladimir responded subtly [to Mexico] and invited the Mexican government not to interfere in the decisions of his mandate... [Putin] stressed that any threat, intimidation or interference that endangers the interests of our nation will have serious consequences," say the subtitles of the video in Russian. READ MORE

Please consider sponsoring our program today!!!
To be a sponsor contact Professor Armando Vazquez-Ramos at:
armando@calmexcenter.org or 562-972-0986
To donate directly from $25 - $2,500 click here
Please support the CMSC's 2022 projects, initiatives, and campaigns, including our advocacy to provide and facilitate our National Campaign to Seek a Presidential Pardon for All Immigrants and our Summer 2022 California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad Program. And NOW OPEN: Winter 2023 California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad Program!
Copyright © The California-Mexico Studies Center, All rights reserved.

The California-Mexico Studies Center, Inc.
Prof. Armando Vazquez-Ramos, President & CEO
1551 N. Studebaker Road, Long Beach, CA 90815
Office: (562) 430-5541 – Cell: (562) 972-0986


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