The U.S. can’t survive without the 60 million Latinos, who are now the 8th largest economy in the world - Newsletter 10/8/2020

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The $2.6 Trillion U.S. Latino Market: The Largest and Fastest Growing Blindspot of the American Economy

By: Sean SalasForbes – Sep 27, 2020

Per the recently published 2020 LDC U.S. Latino GDP Report, the size of the U.S. Latino market measured by GDP was $2.6 Trillion in 2018, up almost 9% from $2.3 Trillion in 2017.  If the U.S. Latino market was its own country, it would be the 8th largest economy in the world and the largest Latino market in the world, larger than Brazil and more than twice the size of Mexico. When compared to the non-Latino U.S. cohort, the Latino cohort grew 4.5 times faster in terms of GDP, implying most of the U.S. growth came from the Latino population. Put another way, had it not been for strong growth in the U.S. Latino market, the U.S. economy would have likely contracted between 2017 and 2018.

The U.S. Latino market is “growing GDP at 8.6%, faster than China, faster than India, and nobody talks about it,” said Sol Trujillo, Co-Founder of L’Attitude, to a panel of world renowned journalists and economists.

Driving growth in the U.S. economy is a young and educated Latino labor force. Latino employees entering the labor force offset declines from the outgoing Baby Boomers.  Latino Donor Collaborative reports Latinos were responsible for 78% of the net new jobs in the labor force since the Great Recession. Furthermore, Latino household growth was 23.2% in 2010-18, compared to 3.8% for that of non-Latino households. Given the higher population growth of Latinos relative to non-Latino demographics, this demonstrates how important Latinos are, not only today, but also in the future growth of the economy... Read Full Article

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The Pandemic Comes for the President

By Frank Bruni, Opinion Columnist, New York Times – Oct. 2, 2020

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It’s a measure of the cynicism that has infected American politics — and, yes, me — that among my initial reactions to the news that President Trump had tested positive for the coronavirus was: Are we sure? Can we trust that? A man who so frequently and flamboyantly plays the victim, and who has been prophylactically compiling ways to explain away or dispute a projected loss to Joe Biden, is now being forced off the campaign trail, which will be a monster of an excuse.

I couldn’t help thinking that, and I soon realized that I was in robust company. On Twitter, on television and everywhere else I turned, doubters noted that Trump had once already suggested that the election be postponed: Was this a fresh tactic along those lines? He had just turned in a repellent performance in the first presidential debate: Was he wriggling out of the second and third debates?

At another time, under a different president, these questions would be callous. At this time, under this president, they were sadly and perfectly understandable... Read Full Article


A teaching moment for the Trumpists? Get ready to rumble!

By: Prof. Gonzalo Santos, Exclusive for El Magonista ~ October 2, 2020

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I'd like to share with you this rare and cogent attempt at conservative reality facing, atonement, a last ditch effort to provide moral and practical lessons now that Trump has predictably tested positive to the Coronavirus, directed to his still mesmerized Republicans confreres. This is the closest we can get to a "woke conservative" today - a hilarious oxymoron over these past two decades, but perhaps we'll see more of it (so far, crickets).

Will it work? If only the GOP and its gullible and rabidly paranoid white social base would listen and take this essay to heart and begin to follow the author's example of intellectual contrition, honest atonement, and moral renewal. Well, for starters, you can forget the White House Trump handlers, they continue to be hopelessly trapped in the Trump World nuthouse of their own making, not to mention their deranged boss.

But what about the vast and so far unmovable base of the GOP? Sadly, the evidence thus far is that they can't and they won't. Does anyone doubts this assessment after the adroit, cavalier, blasé tolerance of the death of over 200,000 fellow Americans - yes, TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND, more than combined American casualties of WW I, Korea, and Vietnam - and the solid popularity of Trump among his mostly white Republican base? How they would have howled at Obama if during the pandemics in his watch the country would have suffered one-hundredths for the deaths under Trump's pandemic! That most Republicans still believe he's done a good job on this and many other calamities is but proof they have fallen to... Read Full Article


Betting on Undocumented Latino Immigrants and Why the American Economy Can’t Survive Without Them

By: Sean SalasForbes – Aug 27, 2020

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Why would any anyone invest in undocumented immigrants in the U.S.? Aren’t credit default rates and costs higher in servicing this market? Aren’t immigrants at risk of deportation? Isn’t this anti-American?

As evidenced by the lack of access to capital or exorbitantly high interest rate loans inherent in the undocumented credit market, it is clear that most financial institutions (and even the government) err on the misconception that undocumented immigrants are too risky and not worth the investment. But the reality is this global pandemic has reaffirmed that undocumented immigrants tend to be the most resilient contributors to the U.S. economy and its credit markets... Read Full Article




Fidel Castro’s fateful New York visit 60 years later (Americas Quarterly)

When Fidel Castro arrived in New York to address the UN General Assembly in September 1960 he was a minor player on the world stage, the head of a Caribbean nation who had been in power barely 18 months... Read More


“Matanza de la comunidad hispana”: Las duras palabras de decano en medicina sobre COVID-19 en EEUU (La Opinión)

EEUU está “presenciando una matanza de la comunidad hispana” debido a la COVID-19, declaró este miércoles Peter Hotez, decano de Medicina Tropical del Colegio Baylor de Medicina en Houston, Texas, durante un foro virtual organizado por el Caucus Hispano del Congreso en el que se informó que la pandemia ha causado aproximadamente 40,000 muertes entre los latinos... Leer Más


Mexicanos crean un tratamiento para COVID con base en suero de caballos (La Opinión)

Investigadores del Tecnológico de Monterrey y del laboratorio mexicano Inosan Biopharm desarrollan un tratamiento a base de suero con anticuerpos obtenidos de caballos que podría curar la COVID-19 en 48 horas y estaría listo los primeros meses del próximo año... Leer Más


La matanza de Tlatelolco: qué pasó el 2 de octubre de 1968 cuando un brutal golpe contra estudiantes cambió a México para siempre (BBC News Mundo)

El grupo antimotines de la policía capitalina, conocido como Cuerpo de Granaderos, intervino para calmar la riña. Pero lo hizo de manera brutal... Leer Más


El controvertido y poco conocido papel de la CIA en el conflicto estudiantil de 1968 en México (BBC News Mundo)

Es una historia poco conocida. Todos los días, durante al menos cuatro meses, la CIA siguió los pasos del movimiento estudiantil que se desarrolló en México en 1968. La vigilancia no fue sólo en la capital del país, donde la organización y protestas tuvieron más fuerza, sino en varios estados... Leer Más


Trump apela la decisión de continuar el censo (La Opinión)

El gobierno del presidente Donald Trump apeló este viernes la orden de una jueza federal de California para proseguir con el conteo del Censo 2020 un mes más, tras considerar la magistrada que un calendario más corto probablemente produciría resultados inexactos... Leer Más


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