El Magonista | Apr. 11, 2024 | Vol. 12, No. 10 | Special Edition

El Magonista | Vol. 12, No. 10 | Apr. 11, 2024 | Special Edition
New Dreamers Study Abroad Programs Kick-Off!!!
Travel - Study in Mexico during our Fall & Winter  Programs from 1 week or up to 3 months!

Please review the full PROGRAM DETAILS and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below before you APPLY ONLINE to our Fall 2024 & Winter 2025 California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad Programs.


Given the tenuous future of DACA, the CMSC has decided to create the Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 Independent Dreamers Study Abroad Programs (IDSAP) in order to offer a broader and a more flexible travel-study opportunity for Dreamers in Mexico and other countries of origin from October 15, 2024 to January 15, 2025 for the Fall Program and December 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025 for the Winter Program. 

This unique model will allow for both, Mexican-origin Dreamers and DACA-mented Dreamers from other countries to discover their birthplace, cultural roots, reaffirm their identity, reconnect with their families, and explore higher education opportunities in Mexico.  

This program will operate under the CMSC’s Mexico City-based collaboration  with a  network of partner institutions, which include: Mexico’s National Autonomous University (UNAM)Facultad de Estudios Superiores de Acatlán Campus and Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco, the five-campus prestigious Mexico City Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM), the public Mexico City Autonomous University (UACM)El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF)Centro Cultural Tijuana (CECUT) and the  CILAC Freire Institute in Cuernavaca, Morelos. 

The CMSC’s Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 Independent Dreamers Study Abroad Programs (IDSAP) have been designed specifically to offer travel-study options for individual Dreamers or in small groups, for colleges and universities to develop long-term and short-term projects for their Dreamers and to continue to require an ethnographic research paper based on their experience returning to their homeland and discovering Mexico. 

The Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 Independent Dreamers Study Abroad Programs (IDSAP) are explicitly designed for colleges and universities, Labor Unions, Community-based Organizations, Churches and Religious Organizations, and Dreamers’ organizations, interested in contracting with the CMSC for travel-study abroad programs designed specifically for the sponsoring institution’s purpose and participants, including non-Latino and non-Spanish-speaking Dreamers... CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

Do not wait until the last minute!!!

Please take into consideration that the Advance Parole application approval process time can vary from 3 to 6 months; thus, we will give preference to those applicants who are quick to submit their completed online application and letter of recommendation.

Can't Wait Until Fall 2024
or Winter 2025?

Apply Now for Summer 2024

Deadline to Apply for Summer 2024:
May 15th, 2024

Please review the full PROGRAM DETAILS and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below before you APPLY ONLINE to our Summer 2024 California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad Program.


Please take into consideration that the Advance Parole application approval process time can vary from 3 to 6 months; thus, we will give preference to those applicants who are quick to submit their completed online application and letter of recommendation.

Profesor Armando Vázquez Ramos,

Escribo esta carta para expresar mi gratitud hacia usted Profesor Armando y su equipo de trabajo porque me dio la oportunidad de volver a ver a mi mama desde hace 17 años sin verla e ir a México a volver a mirar mi casa y mi pueblo donde nací y viví parte de mi niñez.

Yo intente varias formas de ir a México y la única forma que me dejaban ir fue si un familiar estaba muy enfermo yo sentí mucha impotencia de no poder hacer nada para estar y mirar mi mamá porque la iban a operar y yo estaba muy preocupada por ella de no poder verla y estar segura que ella estuviera bien pero gracias a dios que todo salió bien y que ella se encuentra mejor.

Esta oportunidad de ir a México me hizo ver las cosas diferente porque yo pensaba que era imposible pero me di cuenta que todo se puede solo de no perder la fe y seguir luchando por los sueños de uno así como usted tuvo una visión y hoy es un ser humano increíble porque como yo y muchos Dreamers nos estamos beneficiando del sueño tan anhelado de regresar a México y conocer de nuestro orígenes, cultura y tradiciones.

Yo soy del estado de Oaxaca y pude explorar mi cultura y aprender más de mi estado y viví una experiencia inolvidable con las personas que me vieron nacer y crecer allá en el pueblo con la manera como las personas me trataban con amor. Como cuando me ofrecían comida sabía que ellos se preocupaban por mí y por eso le agradezco mucho a usted Profesor porque sin este programa no existieran nuestras experiencias y no fuera posible que todos los Dreamers pudieran regresar al lugar donde nacieron.

Profesor Armando, usted que ha creado este programa nos bendijo y la verdad fue un honor para mí conocerlo en persona y convivir con usted y me quedo con un “SÍ SE PUEDE” y gracias nuevamente por tenerme en el programa y vivir esa experiencia tan increíble con el grupo del programa 2023.

Flora Alvarado

Please subscribe to our Newsletter for updates regarding future programs.
No Mas Sobras, No More Crumbs
Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience stories that transcend boundaries and will leave an indelible  mark on your soul!
Our book "Anthology of Dreams from an Impossible Journey” is available now! This glossy, 380-page, bilingual tome is jam-packed with photos and stories from the essays of our Dreamers Study Abroad Program participants. 
Please consider sponsoring our program today!!!
To be a sponsor contact Professor Armando Vazquez-Ramos at: armando@calmexcenter.org or 562-972-0986
To donate directly from $25 - $2,500 click here
Please support the CMSC's 2024 & 2025 projects, initiatives, and campaigns, including our advocacy to provide and facilitate our Campaign for a Presidential Pardon for all Undocumented Peoples and our Spring & Summer 2024 Independent Dreamers Study Abroad Program.
Disclaimer: The California-Mexico Studies Center is a community-based California non-profit educational and cultural organization, established in 2010 and registered with the IRS as a tax-exempt charitable institution (ID: #27-4994817) and never affiliated with the California State University System or California State University Long Beach. 
Copyright © The California-Mexico Studies Center, All rights reserved.

The California-Mexico Studies Center, Inc.
Prof. Armando Vazquez-Ramos, President & CEO
1551 N. Studebaker Road, Long Beach, CA 90815
Office: (562) 430-5541 – Cell: (562) 972-0986


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